Collagen to Study Lens Dislocation

Collagen to Study Lens Dislocation


Publication Title:

Long‑term Myofibroblast Persistence in the Capsular Bag Contributes to the Late Spontaneous in‑the‑bag Intraocular Lens Dislocation.


Advanced BioMatrix Products Used: 

PureCol® Type I Collagen, Atelocollagen, 3 mg/ml

Collagen eBrochure


How the products were used:

PureCol® type I collagen was used for 3D hydrogels in a collagen contraction assay to study intraocular lens dislocation. The average size of the surface and bulk diameter was measured at the initial time point, and after 24 and 48 hours. 



Article Conclusion:

Primary cultured lens epithelial cells/MFBs isolated from the LC of dislocated IOLs could induce collagen matrix contraction and continuously proliferated, migrated, and induced ECM remodeling. Taken together, this indicates that long-lived MFBs of dislocated IOLs might contribute to the pathogenic mechanisms in late in-the-bag IOL dislocation.


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