Mebiol Thermoreversible Hydrogel

Mebiol Thermoreversible Hydrogel

Mebiol® References:

Aeby, Elise A., et al. "Microfluidic Hydrogel Hanging‐Drop Network for Long‐Term Culturing of 3D Microtissues and Simultaneous High‐Resolution Imaging." Advanced Biosystems 2.7 (2018): 1800054.

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Sitalakshmi, G., et al. "Ex vivo cultivation of corneal limbal epithelial cells in a thermoreversible polymer (Mebiol Gel) and their transplantation in rabbits: an animal model." Tissue Engineering Part A 15.2 (2008): 407-415.

Kataoka, Ken, and Nam-ho Huh. "Application of a thermo-reversible gelation polymer, mebiol gel, for stem cell culture and regenerative medicine." Journal of stem cells & regenerative medicine 6.1 (2010): 10.

Madhavan, H. N., et al. "A study on the growth of continuous culture cell lines embedded in Mebiol gel." CURRENT SCIENCE-BANGALORE- 87 (2004): 1275-1277.

PARVEEN, NA, et al. "Intraperitoneal transplantation of hepatocytes embedded in thermoreversible gelation polymer (Mebiol Gel) in acute liver failure rat model." (2008): 275-280.

Kanda, Kazue, et al. "Eccentric exercise-induced delayed-onset muscle soreness and changes in markers of muscle damage and inflammation." Exercise immunology review 19 (2013).

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