VitroCol Coated Transwell Inserts

VitroCol Coated Transwell Inserts


Publication Title:

Gut Bacteria Promote Proliferation in Benign S/RG/C2 Colorectal Tumour Cells, and Promote Proliferation, Migration and Invasion in malignant HCT116 Cells


Advanced BioMatrix Products Used: 

VitroCol® Human Collagen

Type I Collagen Hydrogels eBrochure


How the products were used:

VitroCol Type I Human Collagen was used to coat transwell inserts for evaluating tumor cell migration and invasion. 



The migratory and invasive potential of HCT116 cells was increased after infection with F. nucleatum; however, no species significantly altered these characteristics in S/RG/C2 cells. These results add to the growing evidence for the involvement of microorganisms in CRC progression and suggest that these interactions may be dependent on tumour cell-specific characteristics. 

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