Ex Vivo Culture of Skin Biopsies
Publication Title:
Plantar Skin Exhibits Altered Physiology, Constitutive Activation of Wound-Associated Phenotypes, and Inherently Delayed Healing
Advanced BioMatrix Products Used:
PureCol® EZ Gel Type I Collagen, Atelocollagen, 3 mg/ml
How the products were used:
PureCol EZ Gel was used for ex vivo culture of skin biopsies. This research will contribute to development of more effective therapies for devastating non-healing wounds.

Article Conclusion:
Skin covering the palms and soles is highly specialized, and plantar ulcers are one of the most challenging and costly wound types to manage. Using primarily the porcine model, we show that plantar skin is molecularly and functionally more distinct from non-plantar skin than previously recognized, with unique gene and protein expression profiles, broad alterations in cellular functions, constitutive activation of many wound-associated phenotypes, and inherently delayed healing.
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