Nutragen + Gelatin Dual Hydrogel
Publication Title:
DISC-3D: Dual-Hydrogel System Enhances Optical Imaging and Enables Correlative Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Invading Multicellular Tumor Spheroids
Advanced BioMatrix Products Used:
Nutragen® 6 mg/ml type I Atelocollagen
Advanced BioMatrix Collagen eBrochure
How the products were used:
Nutragen® Collagen was mixed with gelatin to create a dual hydrogel that allows for cryosectioning and imaging without cell fixation.

Article Conclusion:
"DISC-3D does not require cell fixation, preserves the architecture of invasive spheroids and their surroundings, eliminates imaging challenges, and allows for use of techniques that have infrequently been applied in three-dimensional spheroid analysis, including super-resolution microscopy and mass spectrometry imaging."